Miss Nunnally grew up outside of Atlanta, Georgia where she developed a strong love of reading, learning, and finding answers to questions. She graduated high school in 2010 and made the decision to move to Provo, Utah and attend Brigham Young University. After enduring many cold, snowy winters and enjoying many great seasons of BYU basketball, she received a Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education with a minor in teaching English language learners. While at BYU, she student taught at the BYU Family Studies Lab Preschool and worked with several mentors who taught her the importance of intentionality in every step of education.
Miss Nunnally joined the Freedom Prep family in August 2017 at the Provo elementary campus, teaching 2nd grade. During this first year, she had an experience where she learned how important it was to teach children not only how to read, but also to how to develop of love of reading. This is something she continues to strive for as she works with her students.
After beginning her teaching career, Miss Nunnally completed a level 1 reading endorsement from the state of Utah in 2021. She also began and completed Language Essentials for Teachers of Reading and Spelling (LETRS), typically a two-year program over the course of one academic year. Excited by her passion for literacy, Miss Nunnally also completed a Masters of Education in Literacy from the American College of Education in 2024.
Miss Nunnally continues to serve the Freedom Prep Community as the Literacy Director for the Provo and Vineyard Elementary campuses. She enjoys working with a variety of students and teachers to spread the love of reading.
Outside of work, Miss Nunnally enjoys reading, playing piano, exploring the arts, and spending time with her sisters. She is an avid Disney fan and musical lover.