Title IX

Title IX Coordinator Information:

Name: Buddy Ivie

Position: Title IX Coordinator

  • Email: bivie@freedomprep.net
  • Phone: 801-437-3100
  • Office Location: 1761 west 820 N Provo, UT. 84601
  • For any questions, concerns, or reports related to Title IX, please contact our Title IX Coordinator. We are here to help provide guidance and ensure a safe educational environment.
Prep Academy Title IX Policy and Procedures:
  1. 2001 Bullying and Hazing Policy
  2. Sexual Abuse and Misconduct Prevention
  3. Non-Descrimination Civil Rights Policy
  4. Freedom Prep Griveance Procedure
How to Report a Title IX Incident:
  1. Report Directly to the Title IX Coordinator:
  2. Title IX Complaint Form:
  3. All reports are taken seriously and will be addressed promptly in accordance with Freedom Prep Academy’s Title IX policies.
Title IX Training Resources and General Information:
  1. K-12 Title IX training
  2. ORC Fact Sheet
  3. Flowchart Investigations
  4. Informal Resolutions
Training Video Links - click to view video
  1. Overview of the New Title IX Regulations   
  2. Title IX Coordinator Training  
  3. Title IX Understanding Your Rights and Responsibilities Holly Bell, USBE  
  4. Utah Attorney General Training Resources:
  5. ORC- New Title IX Protections Against Sexual Assault  
  6. Utah State Office of Education Title IX Resources
  7. Title IX - Rights and Responsibilities
  8. Sign the watched training form