The Governing Board(GB) is a vital part of what makes Freedom Academy different. The ability to govern ourselves is a tremendous responsibility and a tremendous opportunity.
The GB meets quarterly. Check the calendar for meeting times. An agenda will be on the website as well as on the front doors 24 hours in advance. Board meetings are open to the public. Parents are encouraged to attend. The purpose of these meetings is to allow the GB to conduct school business. Usually, the board will not be able to address issues brought forward during the meeting. However, time is allotted for public comment at each meeting. Comments will be limited to two minutes.
The GB welcomes and invites your input at anytime. In the case of a grievance, we hope you will approach staff first. If the issue cannot be resolved, please submit your concerns to the board in writing, preferably via email at
Each GB Officer will serve a five-year term. Governing Board positions are filled by appointment by the remaining Governing Board. Candidates will submit resumes of qualifications to serve on the Governing Board. At least two Governing Board members and the Executive Director (or designee) will consider all applications and make recommendations to the Governing Board for consideration.
The Governing Board is responsible to oversee the school. Board responsibilities include executing the Freedom Academy vision, fostering relationships with staff and the school community, and overseeing the budget.
The Freedom Academy Governing Board is committed to the traditional school format, the charter school concept, and to using the school curriculum. In addition to their duties of attending board meetings and accomplishing assigned tasks, board members do significant reading and attend an annual leadership conference to orient and recommit to the school’s philosophy.
The Freedom Academy charter provides for representative governance which mandates responsiveness to constituent (parent) concerns. If parents feel that any board member is not performing in the school’s best interest, a recall provision is written into the charter. We believe this provides continuity to maintain the founders’ original vision, allows adequate parental control over a child’s education, and includes sufficient flexibility to cope with necessary, inevitable changes.